Saturday, September 13, 2008

Doujin Overload 07

This is a super late update, Doujin Overload happened like in mid July. haha.

Basically Doujin overload is a Graphic novel convention designed for fans of graphic novels, duh.. there are graphic novels and figurines for sale, costume play events, performances e.g. dance, singing, acting.

Went there with Msian friends, helped Alena (kiwi asian friend i met on plane) with the dance performance, learned the dance steps 15 minutes b4 the actual performance. haha. XD See mum, I really like to dance, n have quite a nack for it too! That's Y i've always performed in high school n college. =)

some pictures:

Alena is the one with pink hair, she is cosplaying as Urahara from Bleach, on the far left is hijrah, on far right is me, beside me is Illina (she is a sportswomen, very skilled in soccer, ice hockey, n netball)

Me and Hijrah's friend. (sorry... I couldnt rmb the name.. very bad with names..)

Left: Becky, Right: me. Becky is cosplaying as em.. i forgot.. omg, but the hair looks like Cloud Strife's from Final Fantasy VII. Love the look~ !

Left: Becky, Mid: Alena, Right: me ~kisses~ =D

Neko (cat) pose. XD

me and .. gosh i forgot her name too... but I know she is cosplaying as Misa Amane form Death Note. She's really tall too! wow, same height as my brother? And she is wearing flats!! Gosh..

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