haha!!!!!! I've conquered mission bay!!!!
i ran there today!!! yay~~~ wow what a accomplishment!!!!!!!!!
of course, my 'ran' = jog? haha, yes, i noe, i'm slow. x_X
Stupid sky wanted to rain, good thing it just showered a little n thank God thank Godx 1000000 it stopped after a while.
The last trip to mission bay failed due to lousy weather. stupid sky started pouring, and i had no choice but to turn back as it was too heavy. I wanted to go on, cos I know getting drenched in NZ's rain wont make u sick, but really the rain was so heavy my entire body was soaked in a minutes time. And I had to drag myself home in dripping wet clothes n soaked shoes not to mentioned soaked mp3 player- which surprisingly did not fail me, aaah such reliable subject, it is a Sony, cheers for Sony!
I'm gonna try to keep up my running schedule, since it can burn calories (yes, vain.. i know) n good for health. But I think when my assignment comes I'll be sitting on my chair instead of working out...==.. gee, i have to learn to NOT be so extreme...
Nowadays, i prefer to run outdoors, as the air is better (when there are no cars passing by) and it more relaxing than running on treadmill. Treadmill is like torture..haha, or prob that is because i torture myself.. haha.
Then again maybe its because I'm sick of running on treadmills. But i think its good to mixed it up, indoor n outdoor running. Different kind of feelling.
I realized, my outdoor songs are not suitable on treadmill as treadmill's song needs to be faster n harder. haha. So, i'm guessing i run slower outdoors than indoors. haha. which means i slack more for outdoors. haha. No wonder i like outdoors more. lol.
My experiment of not doing any workout for the past month,resulted in a frequent em.. back pain?? or like i dunno, some kind of sore-ness around the hamstring (because i sit cross legged for hours). Weird.. maybe its my sleeping position? I dont remember having any of those symptoms when i workout though.
Yay, holidays are over!!! (i hate holidays) hahahahaha, no more spending money cos bored..hv been spending more than usual during holidays.. mostly on food ..haha sushies... n drinks.. pearl milk tea.. Yay~! lectures on monday!! yay, knowledge!
Yesterday i walked all the way to Parnell st. Checked out some old historical buildings, and the famous shopping center at Newmarket. I wish there are more historical buildings around. Its really an eye opener, and plus u get to learn stuff too!
There is a bus to Parnell n Newmarket actually, but i prefer to walk really. Its much nicer walking in a nice weather and checking out each building, shops, as u pass by. Plus u get to know the place better too.
Returning to my ran to mission bay today, as i pass by the ocean, there view is so relaxing! looking at the canoes, the sails, the clear waters splashing up the banks, the stretch of soil at the bank extending towards the sea in a bended arrow shape, the birds at on the shore pecking at the sand, etc.
Also, one of the reasons i like running out, is that u get to see other runners too, and cyclist. They can be a good source of motivation! Just by looking at how they run, the way they lift their feet, the springiness and lightness of their steps, etc. And what i do is imitate them, and run behind them, so they become some sort of leader, that prevents me from resting too often. hehe.
But of course la, i only imitate for that moment, not to say that my running has become as good or better. haha.
I realize i tend to learn faster or do better when there is somebody demonstrating
e.g dancing. If there is a good leader guiding, then my movements will go up a notch!
There is this indian dance we are doing for the coming international night event, and after watching the real dance on youtube, my interpretation improved.
In M'sia, b4 boxing class i'll sometimes watch a fight b4 going for class, so that i'll get a better feel of rhythm during sparring session. SO u can tell if i have watched any vids b4 I spar..if the sparring is shit means i did not watch. lol.
But that doesnt work if i do it often, it has to retain a certain freshness to it (the clip or watever i'm using as guide).
guess that is it for now. I bet my calves will hurt tmr. hamstrings are sore now. lol.